We found this tag online and decided to do it, hopefully you will learn some more about us from this :)
How old were you when you started wearing makeup?
Alanah | Probably about 12 but it was only a little bit like mascara and concealer, but a full face around 14 - 15 maybe
Sarah | I started when i first went to secondary school so about 12, but only lip gloss and mascara, I didn't start wearing a full face until around the same as Alanah like 14-15
Sarah | I started when i first went to secondary school so about 12, but only lip gloss and mascara, I didn't start wearing a full face until around the same as Alanah like 14-15
Who taught you to apply makeup?
Alanah | I mainly taught myself, and I used videos on Youtube of beauty gurus for things like eye shadow and blending tips
Sarah | I taught myself really but through trial and error and if the way someone else would apply a product didn't work for me, i'd change it so i could apply products well but easily, and i love watching beauty gurus on Youtube, *cough* Zoella, *cough cough* Tanya Burr..
Sarah | I taught myself really but through trial and error and if the way someone else would apply a product didn't work for me, i'd change it so i could apply products well but easily, and i love watching beauty gurus on Youtube, *cough* Zoella, *cough cough* Tanya Burr..
What's your favorite eye makeup look to wear?
Alanah | Usually just a smokey eye, I usually use either greys + blacks or bronzes, golds + browns. Sometimes I will add some dark purple or mossy green type color (If i feel like it). Then I just do eyeliner all around my eye with a small flick
What's your favorite makeup brand?
Sarah | I love eye shadows, its a way of bringing more colour to your face, my favorites would be bronze, cream, or pale pink with a liquid liner to make my eyelashes seam thicker.
Alanah | I like different brands for different products but my favourites are; Benefit, Mac, Revlon and Rimmel probably. Although I love loads more too!
Do you wear foundation on a daily basis?
Sarah | Like Alanah, it depends on the product itself, my top products would be; Benfit, No7, Mac, Bare Minerals, and Rimmel
Alanah | Not everyday, sometimes I just wear concealer and powder and if my skin looks alright then I will just leave the foundation
Have you ever worn false eyelashes?
Alanah | Only at my prom I wore fake ones on the end of my eyelashes, otherwise no
What makeup do you wear everyday?
Sarah | Foundation often breaks me out if i wear it too often, so i only wear it on special occasions like party's, or family events
Alanah | Only at my prom I wore fake ones on the end of my eyelashes, otherwise no
Sarah | Just at prom, and i loved them they made my eyes look so much bigger, aha!
What makeup do you wear everyday?
Alanah | Quite a bit, mainly what I am wearing in this minus the foundation. http://alarahblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/fotd-daily-makeup.html
Do you prefer high end brands or drugstore?
Sarah | Yes, but not a full face, you can see what i normally wear here, but the eye shadow might be different and not with the foundation: http://alarahblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/fotd.html
Do you prefer high end brands or drugstore?
Alanah | A mixture really, it depends what the product is but the drugstore can have some reeeally good products!
Sarah | I'm not someone who buys a product over one that's just as good because its high end, it depends on how good the product is on me, however I am a real bargain hunter so if there's a really good drugstore product, I'll easily buy it over the high end equivalent
Sarah | I'm not someone who buys a product over one that's just as good because its high end, it depends on how good the product is on me, however I am a real bargain hunter so if there's a really good drugstore product, I'll easily buy it over the high end equivalent
What color are your eyes?
Alanah | Hazel
What color of eyeshadows make your eyes pop?
Sarah | Brown, but I've always wanted blue eyes:(
Alanah | I think purples and dark mossy greens
Do you use makeup brushes? What brand?
Sarah | I love wearing browns but it doesn't make my eyes pop, apparently grey's and purples do, i should wear them more often
Alanah | Yeah, loads of different brands - I like the sephora's own make brushes, but I can't get them in England :(
Sarah | I do, my favorite ones are the 'Real Techniques' brushes by Samantha Chapman, you can find them online or in Boots
Do you prefer lipstick, lipgloss, or neither?
Alanah | If i had to have one then lip gloss, but I do like wearing them both together really
Sarah | If i had to choose I'd say lipstick because I've always loves anything colourful, like nail varnish and eye shadows. But i do still love lip gloss!
What's 1 makeup product you can't live without?
Alanah | Probably mascara because I have quite small eyes and they make them look bigger, or concealer or powder, that's a tricky one! Oh or lip gloss I love lip gloss
Why do you wear makeup?
Alanah | Because I feel more confident with it on, and without it i look about 10
Glitter or no glitter?
Alanah | If i had to have one then lip gloss, but I do like wearing them both together really
What's 1 makeup product you can't live without?
Alanah | Probably mascara because I have quite small eyes and they make them look bigger, or concealer or powder, that's a tricky one! Oh or lip gloss I love lip gloss
Sarah | Defiantly concealer to hide my horrible under eye circles! *cry*
Why do you wear makeup?
Alanah | Because I feel more confident with it on, and without it i look about 10
Sarah | Wearing makeup to me is like a hobby, I love applying it and changing up looks and I find the more I apply it the better I get
Glitter or no glitter?
Alanah | A bit but I prefer a matte bronzer, I like some glitter on my eyes though - and sometimes in blush
What is one makeup trend you never understood?
Alanah | Um, foundation on your lips or when people wore lip liner round the edge of their lips but didn't fill them in, that looks weird
Sponge or brush for applying foundation?
Alanah | Definitely a brush
Pencil, gel or liquid eyeliner?
Alanah | Pencil, I can't use the others it's so annoying
Sarah | I find gel looks neater on the eye, but I am normally rushing in the morning and don't have the time or patience to use it, so I use a liner
Sarah | Every girl loves a bit of glitter! But don't over do it or you'll look like Robert Patterson in Twilight!
Alanah | Um, foundation on your lips or when people wore lip liner round the edge of their lips but didn't fill them in, that looks weird
Sarah | When girls have huge, super filled in eyebrows, they look like slugs on your forehead!
Sponge or brush for applying foundation?
Alanah | Definitely a brush
Sarah | Depends on your skin type, a brush blends product better into by skin than a sponge
Pencil, gel or liquid eyeliner?
Alanah | Pencil, I can't use the others it's so annoying
Sarah | I find gel looks neater on the eye, but I am normally rushing in the morning and don't have the time or patience to use it, so I use a liner
Finally, a tip you wish everyone knew:
Alanah | Maybe to wear a face primer because it actually does make a lot of difference, it makes all my makeup stay on longer and go on smoother
Sarah | When wearing foundation and concealer, apply the foundation first, because foundation has a consistency of cover up in it, you end up putting on more product than you need with concealer as well, so put your foundation on first and if you can still see a pimple or scar then just cover it up.
Alanah & Sarah

Sarah | When wearing foundation and concealer, apply the foundation first, because foundation has a consistency of cover up in it, you end up putting on more product than you need with concealer as well, so put your foundation on first and if you can still see a pimple or scar then just cover it up.
Alanah & Sarah

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