Hello, we were kindly nominated for this award by Martha at 'Marthasway' she only recently made her blog and is new to the blogging world, so I think you should all check out her blog and welcome her.

The Liebster is an award made to promote blogs with under 200 followers or less to help get the, get noticed and hopefully gain a few more followers.
1 | Post the award on your blog.
2 | Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
3 | Write 11 random facts about yourself.
4 | Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
5 | Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.
11 Facts about Sarah
1 | I start getting excited for Christmas the day after Halloween, just Christmas obsessed!
2 | My favourite shops are Topshop, River Island, Urban Outfitters, & Miss Selfridge
3 | I love 'kiddy food' and think they should have them for any age at restaurants
4 | I love the old Disney films, like Pinocchio & Aladin
5 | Me and my sister used to be obsessed with the Olsen twins and they were our first inspiration for fashion and makeup looks
6 | I love (love is an understatement) One Direction and own a signed hoddie
7 | I want to go to the Maldives because of how beautiful it looks
8 | My favourite place to go abroad is Dubai and went their all the time as a child
9 | I have never been to Disney land and when I do go (which I will at some point) I will be a massive child all day
10 | Magic tricks frustrate me when I don't know how there done.
11 | I'd love to have enough money when I'm older where I can have my own café with cupcakes in.
11 Facts about Alanah
1 | Just like Sarah I absolutely love Christmas, I get so excited for it it's mad. I've already bought lots of christmas clothing..
2 | I really love every season, when it's Summer I love it and when it's Winter I love it - so it's pretty good for me really!
3 | I really want to live by the beach and in a city when I'm older.. so that may be pretty hard but I love them both so I will try
4 | I get so excited when I'm going shopping, especially when I have money!
5 | I work part time at a cafe at a museum where it can get pretty boring but its money ay
6 | I would love to go to Antarctica and meet penguins and things, I think it would be really cool
7 | Im really care free which can be both a good and a bad thing
8 | I don't have that many dreams but when I do they are usually about the same thing or are really weird
9 | Calvin Klein One Shock For Her is one of my absolute favourite perfumes and reminds me of christmas because that's when I got it
10 | I don't know what I want to be when I am older yet, but I want to do something to do with designing, planning or producing
11 | I am really bad at picking my favourite of something (especially songs and films)
Bloggers we chose
Chelsea | http://tigerlovebeauty.blogspot.co.uk/
Laura | http://www.lauraneuzeth.com/
Magenta | http://lovinglouboutins.blogspot.co.uk/
Ashley | http://ashley11988.blogspot.co.uk/
Hannah | http://lbelleblog.blogspot.co.uk/
Martha asked
1. What is your favourite makeup brand?
Sarah | Benefit as a high end brand but Rimmel as a Drugstore brand
Alanah | o my, um drugstore would be soap&glory or rimmel, high end probably Mac
Alanah | o my, um drugstore would be soap&glory or rimmel, high end probably Mac
2. What was your best holiday?
Sarah | When I went to Turkey in 2011 it was just a lovely holiday and made lots of lovely friends there
Alanah | New York (it's just amazing) or Spain a few years ago
Alanah | New York (it's just amazing) or Spain a few years ago
3. Whats the most expensive thing you've ever bought with your own money?
Sarah | I dont actually know, I bought a coat from Topshop recent that was quite expensive, but I'm not actually sure
Alanah | I'm not sure, I'm not one to buy expensive things - I usually wait and ask for them for christmas. I honestly don't know.
Alanah | I'm not sure, I'm not one to buy expensive things - I usually wait and ask for them for christmas. I honestly don't know.
4. Who are your favourite youtubers?
Sarah | Zoella, Tanya Burr, and Miss Glamorazzi
Alanah | Jim Chapman, Zoella and Tanya Burr
Alanah | Jim Chapman, Zoella and Tanya Burr
5. Favourite item of clothing?
Sarah | Anything with a collar, I love so many collared tops
Alanah | My black denim jacket or leather jacket, and crop tops (I have too many)
Alanah | My black denim jacket or leather jacket, and crop tops (I have too many)
6. Holy grail product?
Sarah | Collection ever lasting perfection concealer
Alanah | Rimmel Wake Me Up concealer
Alanah | Rimmel Wake Me Up concealer
7. How often do you go shopping and actually buy something?
Sarah | I go shopping once or twice every week but as I currently have no job, I don't always have a lot of money to buy loads
Alanah | Every time I go shopping I always want to buy something (even if it's just socks) so I would say on average once a week
Alanah | Every time I go shopping I always want to buy something (even if it's just socks) so I would say on average once a week
8. Favourite song/s?
Sarah | Story of my Life - One Direction. Robbie Williams - Go Gentle. Monster Eminem & Rihanna.
Alanah | Umm at the moment; Never Let Me Go + Young and beautiful - Lana Del Rey, Royals - Lorde and also Monster Eminem and Rihanna haha
Alanah | Umm at the moment; Never Let Me Go + Young and beautiful - Lana Del Rey, Royals - Lorde and also Monster Eminem and Rihanna haha
9. Where do you shop most?
Sarah | Topshop or Miss Selfridge
Alanah | Topshop
Alanah | Topshop
10. Winter or summer?
Sarah | Summer, I hate the cold!
Alanah | I love both!
Alanah | I love both!
11. Favourite thing about christmas?
Sarah | the whole atmosphere, and being surrounded by family.
Alanah | The atmosphere is sooo lovely, it's like perfect.
Our Questions
1 | Nail polish, plain or glitter?
2 | What are your favorite accessories?
3 | Heels or Flats?
4 | Top makeup product?
5 | Dresses & Skirts or Trousers?
6 | Favourite place in the world?
7 | Favourite eye shadow color to wear?
8 | Favourite scent?
9 | Most worn pair of shoes that you own?
10 | Favourite place to buy your makeup from?
11 | Worst outfit you've ever worn?
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